Welcome to Parent Lab! Our highly-rated app meets parents right where they are in their parenting journey with evidence-based solutions for everyday parenting challenges.
The Parent Lab app is easy to use and applicable to parents and caretakers of kids from baby to tween.
We’ve done the research, read the parenting books, and vetted top experts that have solid experience in child development and psychology and have been in this field for a long time. The main focus of our app is to help you do parenting with more confidence and less stress.
- Want help managing a challenge like anxiety or potty training? Start here and browse our courses by topic. We offer many free kits in addition to premium and expert-led courses.
- Have a conflict with your child about their performance at school? We will provide insightful tips that will help make your parenting decisions more easier and plan their study time.
- Are you concerned about the time your child spends playing video games? We’re here to help!
- Got an urgent question? Check out our AI-powered tool to quickly get the answer you need in a free personalized parenting plan. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, check back often — we’re working on new topics.
- Want live, interactive support? Join our community where we offer live events and real-time group activities like book clubs, discussions, expert chats, webinars, and parent-focused meditations.
- Looking for inspiration and quick practical tips? Visit our feed for bite-sized gems parenting gold. We’ll also share updates like new courses and webinars.
Parenting isn’t always easy, but you’ve got this — and we’ve got you.
Join the millions who've learned how to communicate, resolve conflict, and connect with their kids in new, life-changing ways.
We love feedback and suggestions. Please email us: hi@parentlab.com